The experience gained over the years thanks to the development of interdisciplinary assignments and continuous training in both technical and legislative fields, allowed Dr. Geol. Dario Zulberti, C.E.O. of ZULBERTI S.r.l., to teach a training course organized by the College of Engineers and Architects of Milan entitled ” Terre e rocce da scavo, il nuovo decreto scavi – DPR 13 giugno 2017, n. 120. Riordino e semplificazione della disciplina sulla gestione delle terre e rocce da scavo “.
The course was based on the new management procedure related to excavated materials, deepening the different possibilities offered by the current legislation in terms of management as by-products considering the new DPR n.120/2017. A big focus was done on a detailed presentation of the law, providing specific insights from both the regulatory and technical point of view. The final aim was to facilitate the understanding of the law application and give the auditors the fundamental tools to manage excavated terrains in conformity with the current legislation.
For our company it is reasons of pride to undertake the path of external training of other experts because it is a symptom of technical and legislative mastery in this sector.
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